Thursday, February 28, 2008

Working hard or hardly working?

I am so excited! I have decided to accept a consignment opportunity in beautiful San Francisco at a fantastically fun store. They would like to see at least 12 pieces soon so I have been hard at work!

I am also trying to create some new designs, which is slowing me down because I stop and play with them.

I have some pictured above that I am working with. They are unpolished and unfinished so don't judge! How do you like the paper towel back drop and terrible lighting? Hey, that is what you get in these parts before 8 AM!

Have a wonderful Thursday!



Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new opportunity!

How excited you must be... I can't wait to see the new designs and to hear of your success in The San Francisco Bay Area.... Your wonderful metal work will be popular there, I have no doubt.

When I first looked at your picture, I thought *nice* about your new designs... then I thought *is the background a paper towel?*... hey, it is early here too!

I am so excited for you... I see big things in the future for A Blond and A Torch!

A Blond And A Torch said...

Thanks so much, Sandra Eileen!

Your blog post this morning was very informative and I advise others who see this to go check it out!

Simply Wired Custom Jewelry said...

Oops I think I just deleted my last comment! Bummer! I'll try to remember...

Those rings are great, and congrats on the wholesale order! Sometimes it's nicer just to put those pics out there without worrying about setting up a studio and Photoshopping them. No complaints here! Thanks for sharing your work; it's beautiful.

A Blond And A Torch said...

Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on that opportunity. What fun!

une petite etoile said...

Gorgeous as always, my dear!