Saturday, March 1, 2008

You've Been Warned

James Patterson is always good for a light read. His books are a great escape when you don't want to think about anything or have to think too hard. Most are very enjoyable as well, and, since he is using coauthors, he is spitting them out one after the other.

I recently read "7th Heaven" and "Quickie". I really liked "Quickie" and I would recommend you read it if you are a Patterson fan.

Last night I finished "You've Been Warned" simply because it is the ONLY Patterson book I have never read. Well, I have mixed feelings about it. It is definitely different than most of his other books, but it was interesting and it does make you want to find out what it really going on.

And if you are a Patterson fan you already know that most of the pages in the book are blank and each chapter is only a couple of pages long. Easy, easy read. Go on and read it, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Have a beautiful Saturday!


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